Tuckerverse Wiki
Storm Guard

The Storm Guard is an elite military unit within the nation of Sturmhaven. A small force, the Storm Guard act as the city nation's special forces as well as the tactical response team.


A mere forty men and women make up the Storm Guard. The unit is primarily composed of naturalized Sturmhaven citizens, though in some cases former mercenaries or immigrants are allowed to join. The members tend to have some previous military or law enforcement experience, with Sturmhaven Royal National Police, Royal Border Guardians, and local militia members the most common elements. Additionally, Sturmhaven citizens are able to serve in some German military units, and other Storm Guard members have previously served in the French Foreign Legion. Regardless of background, international contractors and other veterans are hired to train the unit, so that they can share similar abilities. Foreign experts have included experts from Interpol, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and even the Thokozani Rangers.

The Storm Guard lack formal military ranks, with those selected to lead on missions given the title of Commander, with them, in turn, able to give temporary sub-leadership titles as they so feel fit. The head of the Storm Guard is the Grand Master or Grand Mistress, a member of the royal family whose primary duty is overseeing the unit.


The Storm Guard saw their origins during the rise of Sturmhaven, it being the name given to the first protectors of the kingdom. While the name fell out of use over time, it regained use during both World Wars as the moniker of resistance forces within the small nation. After the end of World War II, the royal family petitioned parliament to formally recognize the Storm Guard, and previously-abandoned traditions were reinstated. In 1946 the Storm Guard formally started operations, with the Crown Prince assuming the role of Grand Master. Over time the royal who took the role of Grand Master would become less prestigious, but none the less a royal would remain the leader of the force. Sabrina Rheingen took the position in 2005.

Equipment and Training[]

The Storm Guard employ unusual weapon technologies, not only adopting popular sidearms such as the H&K USP45 but less conventional ones such as the Mateba Autorevolver. The Mauser C96 remains a revered weapon within the Storm Guard, as it was one used by the first members of the modern resistance movement. For stealth operations and non-lethal operations, the Storm Guard frequently employ weapons developed by Knight's Edge, in particular, the KE PSI Chaos.



